
Lucky roulette rules of survival
Lucky roulette rules of survival

When you feel optimistic and excited, have a bet.Never play if you have a fear of losing the money, and never play out of your depths.Only play roulette when you feel aligned with a cosmic energy of winning.This could be why degenerate gamblers attract more loss and why excited and optimistic beginners, tend to enjoy some wins. If you have a frequency of fear and doubt, then it is more likely that you will manifest a negative outcome. It is pretty much common knowledge that everything is a vibration. There is more than meets the eye in bet selection Vibrational Frequency Here is an exploration of esoteric betting methods, which when mastered, could lead to some serious winnings at the table. I think we all are to some extent even the most hardened skeptics among us, who would reject every theory that has slightest undertone of the esoteric, while also confessing to having lucky numbers. How do you select which numbers to bet? How could you choose which numbers to play and how can you “make” them the winning numbers? Forget about your birthday digits or any complicated roulette system.Īs in life, we are constantly confronted by a certain esoteric dilemma at the roulette table is there any way that our mind, or our choice of numbers, can have an effect on the outcome of the game? Can we sway the odds in our favor, with will power alone? Is there anything underlying the cold, hard statistical dictatorship? Yes, as in life, we search for more.

Lucky roulette rules of survival